
Reflections on the depth of illusions.

Yet another mundane subject. Want to cook up a story?

Well, but shooting into the mirror could be quite a shattering experience! Unless you focus on an illusionary point which exists beyond the mirror itself. Thats because the image in the mirror is an illusion that supposedly exists the same distance behind the surface of the mirror. Didn't get that, rigth?

Take this. The subject is 3 feet in front of you. The mirror is further 5 feet away from the subject but mirror, subject and you in almost one line. To capture the reflection of the subject you must focus 3' + 5' + 5' = 13 feet. That is a total of thirteen feet from you and into the mirror. Got it?

When you talk about the depth of a well, tunnel, ocean etc., you mean a tangible stuff. At the same time when you refer to the 'depth' of a person, his understanding, feeling or awareness its largely a matter of perception in our mind. Nothing tangible about it.
Isn't it a surprisingly similar a process that happens when your camera reaches forward to an illusion and is able to focus clearly on it?

Seems like camera also has a mind of its own!

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