
Rahul was new to me. I was new to him too. In 30 seconds we were like old pals and went around the house. He, chasing some imaginary rabbits and me trying to capture him in some sunlight.

A little later he was upset from a domestic upsurge of emotions. Nevermind I said, and he was trying to forget it himself, it looks like! Sometime they understand you better than you yourself. Children, as they say, has absorbent minds. We as adults should make sure what's around to be absorbed.

I particularly love the early morning sunshine, blurring his vision mixed with tears. He is carefully clearing it all, by himself.
'Prez' went to London to study journalism and came home to work with Chennai's leading newspaper. Only to realised that being a journo had less to do with having any proverbial nose for news itself.

She was quick to realign herself in to the much more mindful and meaningful world as a Montessori teacher. Her faminine features highlighted in a drastically bolder silhoutte - is shrouded in mystery.

Precisely like the person she is...those who know her close enough will identify with this portrait too. As for others...you cant even take a wild guess.

Personally I rate this one as a 'correct' portriat of the real person.
Then you might ask me if I know the real person. The answer is in the imagery itself.
Meena looks straight out os 70's art house movies. In her case, not quite out of context either I must say.

Life at 'Shanthivanam', her home, has never been in a hurried pace. Wildgrass overflows the causeway to this abode of wildreness. It almost looks submerged like an island in an ocean of grass. Modern materialistic trappings rarely will find its way here. Matter of fact and meaningful, conviction rules her life. Poetry, music, occassional friends dropping by (including me), a wonderful father and a chatterbox 5 year old daughter occupies most of her time in any day. Rest f the time she appears to be quite lonely...and waiting for something, somebody, someday.

This image might looks so candid as if he is lost in his thoughts. In fact he is most aware of this picture being taken. Tell me why. He is looking into the preview screen and is clearly posing. Tell you how I know? The pretender is the image is me!

Yeah I had just woken up and the bedroom was filled with sunlight. I thought of attempting to shoot myself in the glory. Here you see me in the mirror and in my hand you see my Nikon.
I have resisted the temptation to crop out the table lamp shade refelcted in the mirror to hint that its a case of shooting into the mirror and therefore it is the photographer himself.

Now that the story is told the intrigue is lost huh? Well I'm sure this will inspire you to try this out yourself.

Once again its my self portrait. Very tricky shot though.

Here is how it happened. I was in Padmanabhapuram palace ( now a museum), near Trvivandrum . The yellowish stone is actually a pillar with scriptures in old malayalam script. Well you can hardly make out the scriptures. I was leaning my head against it and shot this from below, betweek the pillar and me. The result looks as if I'm bearing the burden on my head, funny!.